Tadashi Endo – Butoh-dancer, choreographer, director of the Butoh-Centre MAMU and artistic director of the Butoh-Festivals MAMU Butoh & Jazz in Göttingen embodies in the truest sense of that word the wisdom of both, the Western and Oriental dance and theatre traditions. After his study as a thea.tre director at the famous Max-Rein.hardt-Seminar in Vienna, he performed in collaboration with jazz musicians. In 1989 he met Kazuo Ohno who already then realized a deep relationship between Endo‘s dance and the Butoh-dance. Since then Tadashi Endo developped his movements to that ethetic and expressive dance, as you can see today. His dance is like a synthesis of theatre, performance and dance, Tadashi Endo succeeds to express the field of tension between ying and yang, male and female and their everlasting alteration. He is the master of being „in between“, that is Butoh – MA.
„Tadashi Endo’s dance reaches beyond the mundane, head-lead conventions of much that calls itself theatre, and instead goes right to its pure essence, straight to the heart.
A true genius and master of his craft, coupled with a humility rarely found in this ego fuelled age, Endo had me by the spiritual balls from the start. His Butoh – MA explores that elusive gap between emptiness and form… form and emptiness. He manages to fill that void with a poetic beauty, precision movement and spiritual flavour. It`s like cut grass and cut glass, one smells good and brings back memory, the other cuts into you leaving a scar.
I left feeling like I`d had my heart touched by someone and something. As such, I`ll be back to get a bit more of this `MA` stuff !“
Review by David Carter,
Venue Magazine. Edinburgh.
If you want to have a very different experience in dance or movement or in your life, you should join a butoh workshop with TADASHI ENDO!
TADASHI ENDO’s workshops are very popular and always sold out. Participants are coming from all over the world to learn from him about butoh dance and butoh philosopy.
TADASHI ENDO is a very unique and wonderful teacher.
“Everybody can dance butoh – may be not the Japanese butoh, but everybody can find his/her own butoh” . These words from Kazuo Ohno give a most important influence in Tadashi Endo’s teaching.
Gefördert durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Programm NEUSTART KULTUR, Hilfsprogramm DIS-TANZEN des Dachverband Tanz Deutschland.

Current Productions
Latest News
33 years Butoh Center MAMU
February 3, 2025
The Butoh Center MAMU exists for 33 years now. In 1990 Kazuo Ohno, the great Butoh master, came to Göttingen for the first time, to give a workshop and to perform his solo pieces DEAD SEA and KA CHO FU GETSU. Kazuo Ohne stated that it would be extremely important if we gave Butoh dance a location in Germany, to give Butoh dance a home in Europe. He encouraged us to open a studio and also organize…
Congress of Butoh Souls at Sotheby’s Maison, Hong Kong
December 15, 2024
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HA DÔ at the 10th Theatre Olympics in Budapest, Hungary
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SASAYAKI (FROM A WHISPER TO CRY) – A Butoh dance theatre created by Tadashi Endo
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SASAYAKI (FROM WHISPER TO CRY) Director: Tadashi Endo Dancers: Tadashi Endo and three international dancers. SASAYAKI means whisper. With this piece women’s life in difficult situations like war, pandemic, fear, and isolation should be represented in dance. CORONAVIRUS LETTER TO HUMANITY The earth wisperedbut you did not hear. The earth spokebut you did not listen. The earth…
HAUTNAH performance with Tadashi Endo and Marigia Maggipinto and particitpants of the workshop
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Saturday, Dec. 11, 2021 at 08:00 p.m. Butoh Centrum MAMU, Geismar Landstr. 95 , 37083 Göttingen Supported by Landschaftsverband Südniedersachsen e.V.
Intense-Butoh-Workshop 3.-12. DECEMBER with Tadashi Endo and Marigia Maggipinto
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Intense Butoh workshop with Tadashi Endo and Marigia MaggipintoStart Friday, Dec. 03, 2021 End Sunday Dec. 12, 2021 Finish this year with a nice experience in dance, especially butoh dance in combination with dance theatre from Pina Bausch! Tadashi chose this combination because Kazuo Ohno and Pina Bausch were good friends and due to Kazuo Ohno we got to know Pina personally. This…
HAUTNAH performance with Tadashi Endo and Günter „Baby“ Sommer (perc)
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Weekend-Workshop 12.-14. NOVEMBER with Tadashi Endo and Günter „Baby“ Sommer (perc)
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weekend workshop with Tadashi Endo and Günter „Baby“ Sommer (perc)Start Friday, Nov. 12 End Sunday Nov. 14 Günter Baby Sommer is one of the master musicians of contemporary European jazz. He belongs to the circle of extraordinary drummers that developed throughout the improvised music scene a highly individual playing and built up an unmistakable?Born in Dresden in 1943, Sommer studied at the…
Tadashi Endo interviewed on television cultural channel Itaú Cultural.
July 14, 2020
2 Interview with Tadashi Endo and television cultural channel Itaú Cultural (Márcia Abos) in Brazil during Tadashi’s tour in 2019.
Butoh-Workshop 04.-13. DECEMBER
April 19, 2020
04th - 13nth of december 2020 the first Butoh-Workshop at the Butoh-Centrum Göttingen after the pause.
April 19, 2020
Tadashi Endo in Japan
February 14, 2019
11.04.19 Tadashi will dance a short performance at Yahataya Ryokan, 75-1 Toita, Aza, Bobata, Oaza Ishikawa-machi, Ishikawa-gun Fukushima, Japan. This performance is a part of his solo FUKUSHIMA MON AMOUR, which Tadashi created in honor to the victims of the Fukushima tsunami and nuclear catastrophe Tadashi already performed this short version at the Munich Residence Theatre during the Blue…
February 9, 2019
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Medal of honor by the city of Göttingen
August 31, 2017
Cultural deputy Petra Broistedt presented Tadashi Endo the medal of honor by the city of Göttingen. On Thursday, August 31, he celebrated his 70th birthday and the butoh-center MAMU founded by him in Göttingen got 25 years old. On his birthday Tadashi was on stage as a dancer at the Junge Theater with his new dance theater HA DÔ. After the performance, the cultural deputy Petra Broistedt…
butoh Centrum MAMU just got 25 years!
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In 2017 the butoh Centrum MAMU Göttingen will celebrate it's 25th jubilee in August. Tadashi Endo is giving an intense workshop and also he works on a new dance theatre piece with the dancers who joined the workshop.
HA DÔ rehearsal
July 10, 2017
On July 24 the rehearsal for the dance project HA DÔ will start with about 20-25 dancers.
intense butoh workshop in july just started
July 1, 2017
The intense butoh workshop is currently running. 35 people came to the Butoh Centrum MAMU in Göttingen to learn from Tadashi. They come from Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico, Suisse, Australia, Portugal, and Germany. It is nice to see that all these young international people are so open and tolerant and respect each other. On Saturday, July 22 at 8:00 p.m. there will be an improvised performance…
Next intense butoh workshop in Germany
June 12, 2017
In 2017 the butoh Centrum MAMU Göttingen will celebrate it's 25 jubilee in August. Tadashi Endo will give an intense workshop and also he wants to create a new dance theatre piece with the dancers who join the workshop. The intense butoh workshop with TADASHI ENDO at the Butoh Centrum MAMU in Göttingen, Germany will be from July 14 - 23, 2017 completely sold out) The rehearsal starts on July 25…